“Nel Quarto Stato”. A book on the campaign of the painting by Giuseppe Pelizza da Volpedo

A new study on the "Quarto Stato" painting by Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, exposed in Milan at the Museo del Novecento is the subject of the book “Nel Quarto Stato. Indagine interdisciplinare sull'opera di Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo” (Nomosis Editore), edited by Rita Capurro, Anna Galli (Lambda Laboratory) and Gregorio Taccola.

The publication is one of the results of Mobartech project, sponsored by Regione Lombardia (PON FESR funds). The Lambda team developed and optimized the protocols of non-invasive analyses in situ and found new statistical approaches for the interpretation of the collected data.

To buy the book click here (Italian edition only)