The project
MOBARTECH is a technological, interactive and collaborative mobile platform reserved to Cultural Heritage (CH) study, conservation and valorization.
The project proposes the development, trial and adoption of a mobile technological platform (MOBARTECH) which integrate cultural, social and creative skills with enabling technologies (IT), non-invasive diagnostic methods, diagnostic imaging analyses, conservation and restoration methods, smart logistic systems, public interaction and infotainment technologies, to supply high-level services in Cultural Heritage field.
The general aim of the platform is to innovatively support the study, the conservation, the education and the fruition to the audience of CH, aiding the realization of new creative processes to enhance CH in specific social environments, such as reaching the so-called non-audience, which generally doesn't have access to CH because non-actively involved. In particular, the possibility to use a mobile platform which acts as tech la as well as open-lab will guarantee to break the wall between the audience and the science beyond CH
Lambda skills
From experimental data of techniques already implemented in the laboratory (EDXRF, Raman, optical spectroscopy), a new multivariate analysis approach was developed to obtain material 3D information from acquired spectra. For example from single EDXRF spectra of a painting it is possible to automatically correlate the presence of multiple elements, therefore evaluate the materials used at different depths and obtain a 3D image (XY plane - planar coordinates, Z-axis - element density). This approach was applied in the case study "Quarto stato" made by Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo.
Lambda implemented a new statistical protocol fo provenance and dating supporting the techniques already used in the laboratory. It is based on statistical correlation algorithms that find new parameters characterizing the sampled works, such as the minimum fingerprints in the acquired spectra.
Our researchers contributed to the setup of the mobile laboratory to perform in situ analyses such as EDXRF FORS, Raman spectroscopy, IR reflectography, imaging (UV, IR, false-color), 3D photogrammetry, digital radiography, sampling for 14C, TL/OSL and dendrochronology. Lambda team used the mobile laboratory during the analyses campaign in the Insula Viscontea (Milano).